Expat Facebook groups are toxic. They are a sad little bubble.
Expats claiming to escape "this or that" bring their own "this or that" to their newly adopted country and infect those around them with their nonsense, usually other Expats, like a virus.
The stupid questions like where can I get peanut butter or x this or that.. My answer is, "back where you came from!"
One of the most common questions is "where can I meet other expats?" like there's somekind of exclusive club or bar where they are all waiting for you with open arms..
What ever happened to just arriving in a place and discovering things on your own.
Even the cheesiest Irish Pub in a new locale, discovered without any advice from the Expat Facebook Group bubble can be fun when you find it on your own, talk to the local bartenders waitstaff etc.
These Facebook Expat groups can be good for a little preliminary traveler recon, but that's it.