First, you nor I, have to experience something first hand to know that it's bad or to write about it, do we?
I have never killed anyone, but by this logic I shouldn't be writing that murder is bad, because how would I know since I've never killed anyone before???
Second, I clearly stated at the beginning of the article that I had never taken, nor plan on ever taking a cruise.
Third, not a single point I made in this article is false or untrue, but facts and experiences from others...
Maybe some of the responses to this article never experienced anything I had stated, but that doesn't make them less true....
Finally, I don't need to experience something first hand in order to have an opinion on it or state true facts based on others first hand experiences.
The best way to learn something, anything in life, especially on what not to do, is not to experience it yourself first, but to have the facts and information presented to you beforehand...
Saves a lot of time, money, aggravation, and pain, don't you think, bro?