I have to strongly disagree with you on this one. I love using AI images!
They can be truly unique to the narrative you are creating and are highly customizable. They also really help break up blocks of text and move a story along.
Whereas, there's nothing more bland than using the same so-called "copyright free" images from places like Unsplash.
I say "so-called copyright free" because even though the majority of those images are copyright free, Unsplash and sites like them do a really poor job of vetting unless you are on their paid plan. Even then I wouldn't feel totally safe and confident that they are copyright free.
Because many unscrupulous photographers, hackers and copyright trolls purposely post copyrighted images on those sites as a way to snare unsuspecting users into copyright claims, scams and legal issues. It happens all the time...
In fact, OpenAi had publicly put out a statement a year ago saying they would defend any copyright claims against their outputs....
Has Unsplash made such a strong statement regarding the use of their images?
Thanks for sharing 👍