I left Ukraine after over 20 years of living and working there in February of 2019, before this horrendous invasion. Can't imagine what life would be like if I had stayed 3 years longer. People's lives have been turned upside down.
I lived in Donetsk in 2004-2005 during the Orange Revolution and the last time I was there was in the fall of 2013. It seemed to be at its peak of development. Donetsk had just co-hosted the Euro 2013 Football Championship (which was a big deal for them). A new, European standard stadium was completed just for that event, the city was clean (at least in the center) with a nice central park and promonade. A newly renovated Airport and train station. The people took pride in their city which they always referred to as "the city of roses".
Then Euro-Maidan happened, the best and brightest fled and now it's a complete sh#@thole run by thugs... and for what?
I wish you godspeed and the safety for you and your family...
I highlighted the wind blowing hard outside which would hopefully keep the drones away as it struck a cord.
Hope is usually the last thing to die.
Thank you for a well written article from the heart.
Slava Ukraini, Heroyem Slava!