I walked the Frances twice, 1998 and 2015. Like night and day, the numbers alone would explain it.
I wrote another article on the Camino, but don't think you would agree.
It seems a few diehards resent my articles on the Camino, I've even had to block a few, fair enough.
There are plenty of articles extolling its virtues etc. They might be more to your liking.
If it means anything I did meet some great people, I started it alone in 1998, got hypothermia crossing the pyrennees, held up in Roncevalles to recover ( there were only the alburgue monastery and the hotel next to it at the time).
Oh and nothing between St. Jean and Roncevalles at the time either, maybe a hikers hut, unlike nowadays...
I recovered and continued. Met some wonderful people along the way too, and by the time we reached Santiago there was a group of 10 of us.
We were invited as guests to stay at a really nice girl's family's apartment, more like her family owned the entire building in the center of town and used the top 2 floors as their home.
We stayed for a few days The place was huge with a beautiful view overlooking Ferrol harbor. Their hospitality was second to none.
Ironically, by the way she dressed, everyone thought she was poor. Of course, it didn't matter. She was beautiful and down to earth.
Turns out, her family was loaded, lol 😆. Lesson, never judge a book by its cover...
My friends from the UK came back for a wedding 1 month later which I couldn't do.
I am still in contact with one or 2 of them from Newcastle to this very day. Even made it up there once to visit
So, I hope you're still not disappointed. You might even get a laugh out of my other article on the Camino..
Thanks for reading 🙂