Personally, I think it's more about authentic engagement and less on how much content you can crank out. It makes sense actually, since Medium is basically a social media platform for writing.
With the advent of AI, content is now a commodity. Whether it's here, Facebook, Substack, Linkedin, etc. It's not about publishing as much as you can, but engaging with other people's writing as much as you can on their platforms.
The more engagement, the more time people actually spend on the platform, which platforms reward as they punish anything that could possibly take the reader off the platform.
Not only this, but, readers and users appreciate and value more being acknowledged for their content, than what they get from yours.
Writers can use this as an advantage in a multiple of ways: Ideas for new articles, gaining new readers as they build more authentic relationships with those who they engage with.
Finally, writers can get off the "cranking out content hamster wheel" and spend more time improving their craft and less time just hitting "publish"....
At the end of the day, we're all in this together...
Thanks for sharing 👍