Your article would really dovetail nicely with what your views are on Substack which is more shilled around here than anything else except of course, "how to make money on Medium "...
I haven't drunk the Substack kool-aid yet myself, but I'm about to. The biggest argument for them is that you're not beholden to a platform. As someone who is still a little active with my own niche websites and SEO, they totally make sense as one line of defense.
But, you have to offer a good reason for subscribers to want to open your emails in the first place. Speaking of which....
In regards to emails, most also seem to forget about having to deal with delivery rates, spam filters and unsubscribers....
I can't tell you how many Substacks I've unsubscribed from, most are from the very same people I found through Medium, shilling them.
They are just too spammy and seem to have no respect for their readers time and think all we do all day is wait around for their regurgitated dose of daily